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July, 2017

Reclaim Our Water Initiative in Suffolk County

Hydro-Action attended the Suffolk County Department of Health Services’ Septic Improvement Program Kickoff Meeting on July 12th and 13th 2017. The county hosted two days of presentations where community members, scientists, architects, engineers, installers, and septic maintenance providers were all able to learn about the project as well as ask questions directly. The first meeting […]

Hydro-Action and Blue Water Environmental Working to Protect the Chesapeake Bay

Hydro-Action and Blue Water Environmental Working to Protect the Chesapeake Bay Oxygen is crucial for any species to survive, and when the oxygen levels are too low in our bodies of water, it results in massive die-offs of fish, turtles, and other aquatic life. Eutrophication is the largest threat to our waterways in the United […]