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Hydro-Action: Designed for Today

As a public health expert and official, you know the importance of wastewater systems that work for users and the environment alike. Without adequate and uncontaminated water in rivers and lakes, we can’t maintain healthy aquatic ecosystems or supply communities with reliable drinking water.

Heightened public awareness means consumers want to cut their costs for water and wastewater service, and protect the environment at the same time. We manage wastewater safely and effectively for any project with innovation and advanced technology that doesn’t compromise on quality or environmental issues.

At Hydro-Action, we believe that greater water efficiency means savings for consumers, communities, and the nation’s publicly funded water and wastewater infrastructure.

Wastewater management has to address the issue of population growth and increasing development, and our onsite system is a significant step in changing how wastewater gets treated today—so we can all live better tomorrow.

Hydro-Action Means Proven Results

The Hydro-Action Aerobic Wastewater Treatment System was tested under the provisions of ANSI/NSF Standard 40 (Class I) for Residential Wastewater treatment Systems (May 1996 revision). ANSI/NSF Standard 40 was developed by the NSF Joint Committee on Wastewater Technology.

The performance evaluation was conducted at the NSF Wastewater Technology Test Facility in Chelsea, Michigan, using wastewater diverted from the Chelsea municipal wastewater collection system. The evaluation consisted of sixteen weeks of dosing at design flow, seven weeks of stress test and three weeks of dosing at design flow. Sampling started in November and continued into May, covering a range of operating temperatures.

Over the course of the evaluation, the average effluent CBOD5 was 9 mg/L, ranging between 3 and 60 mg/L, and the average effluent suspended solids was 15 mg/L, ranging between 4 and 100 mg/L. The effluent pH ranged from 7.1 to 8.3.

The model AP500 produced an effluent that successfully met the performance requirements established by ANSI/NSF Standard 40 for Class 1 effluent:

  • During the first month of the evaluation, the maximum 7-day arithmetic mean was 29 mg/L for CBOD5 and 46 mg/L for suspended solids, both below the allowed maximums of 56 and 63 mg/L respectively. The 30-day arithmetic mean for the first month of testing was 22 mg/L for CBOD5 and 32 mg/L for suspended solids, both below the allowed maximum of 35 and 42 mg/L respectively.
  • For the final five months of the evaluation, the maximum 7-day arithmetic mean was 10 mg/L for CBOD5 and 18 mg/L for suspended solids, both below the allowed maximums of 40 and 45 mg/L respectively. The maximum 30-day arithmetic mean was 9 mg/L for CBOD5 and 16 mg/L for suspended solids, both below the allowed maximums of 25 and 30 mg/L respectively.

The effluent pH during the entire evaluation ranged between 7.1 and 8.3, within the required range of 6.0 to 9.0. The plant also met the requirements for noise levels (less than 60 dbA at a distance of 20 feet) and color, threshold odor, oily film and foam.

Hydro-Action is approved for usage in all 50 States, Canada and Mexico, and is VA/FHA approved.

Plant Specifications
Hydro-Action Industries Model AP500

Plant Capacity
Design Flow500 gpd
Plant Hydraulic Capacity
Aeration Compartment663 gallons
Clarifier173 gallons
Total836 gallons
Hydraulic Retention Time (at Design Flow)
Aeration Compartment32 hours
Clarifier8 hours
Total40 hours

Worldwide Onsite Wastewater Solutions. Only from Hydro-Action Industries.